Focos de atención

Títulos similares

Insect Biologist, Insect Scientist, Entomological Researcher, Insect Ecologist, Pest Control Specialist

Descripción del trabajo

There are about 10,000,000,000,000,000,000 insects on the planet and almost a million different species of them! 

That’s a lot of bugs and it makes them the dominant life form on Earth, according to Cornell University. They’re so adaptable they’re considered “the most evolutionary successful group of terrestrial organisms in the history of life.” 

Insects can be extremely helpful to our interconnected web of ecosystems. But they can also cause problems, especially in the agriculture sector. That’s where Entomologists come in to help! 

Entomologists are a type of zoologists that specialize in the study of insects and their behavior, biology, ecology, and taxonomy. From gathering samples from the field to running lab tests and studying data, Entomologists seek to understand the impact of insects on the environment, agriculture, and public health. Their work also affects industries like pharmacology, veterinary science, and even crime scene forensics! 

Aspectos gratificantes de la carrera
  • Broadening the scientific understanding of insects and their effects on the world
  • Helping develop sustainable pest management solutions
  • Contributing to conservation efforts
2023 Empleo
2033 Empleo proyectado
La primicia
Responsabilidades del trabajo

Horario de trabajo

  • Entomologists work full-time, sometimes in offices or labs, other times outdoors doing fieldwork. Occasional travel is needed, and they may be away from home some nights, weekends, or holidays. During fieldwork, they can be exposed to inclement weather or other environmental conditions. 

Tareas típicas

  • Develop hypotheses and run laboratory tests in controlled surroundings
  • Conduct site visits to farms, wildlife areas, or research plots of land
  • Observe insects in the wild; take notes on observed behaviors (such as feeding and reproduction) and characteristics; collect samples/specimens for later study
  • Write up findings as scholarly articles and submit them to academic journals
  • Study current industry discoveries; share findings with peers via published academic papers and conference attendance 
  • Estimate insect species populations and their effects on local ecosystems, such as plant-insect interactions
  • Research how human activities affect insect life; look for ways to mitigate or control pest-related problems in agriculture and other industries (including via insecticide formulations) 
  • Write reports and conservation plans that feature sustainable practices
  • Specialize in species such as ants, beetles, bees, butterflies, crickets, fleas, flies, ladybugs, or mosquitoes

Responsabilidades adicionales

  • Preparar presupuestos para trabajos de investigación 
  • Apply for grants, participate in professional organization activities, and contribute to the advancement of the field
  • Supervise or mentor assistants and younger researchers
Habilidades necesarias en el trabajo

Habilidades blandas

  • Analítica 
  • Atención al detalle
  • Habilidades de comunicación
  • Curiosidad
  • Habilidades interpersonales
  • Investigación
  • Objetividad 
  • Capacidad de organización
  • Paciencia
  • Ingenio
  • Buen juicio y toma de decisiones

Habilidades técnicas

  • Escritura académica/científica 
  • Biology, chemistry, entomology
  • Collection nets (aquatic or pond nets, sweep nets, aerial nets, etc.)
  • Data analysis programs such as Genstat
  • DNA analysis
  • Familiarity with agriscience topics
  • Familiarity with lab instruments such as microscopes, dissecting kits, centrifuges, etc.
  • Geographic Information Systems like ArcGIS (for mapping insect populations and tracking movements)
  • Programas matemáticos y estadísticos como SPSS de IBM
  • Remote sensing technologies
Diferentes tipos de organizaciones
  • Empresas agrícolas
  • College laboratories
  • Empresas de consultoría
  • Organismos gubernamentales
  • Pharmaceutical industry
  • Museos y zoológicos
  • Instalaciones de investigación
Expectativas y sacrificios

Whether we think about them or not, insects affect us all in countless ways. From our food supplies to our general health, human life is irrevocably linked to the lives and actions of insects. Unfortunately, there aren’t enough active Entomologists to meet the current demand, which places extra responsibilities on those currently working in this vital career field. 

Everyone from farms and homeowners to wildlife—and even the environment itself—relies on the diligent efforts of Entomologists to protect food sources, residential and commercial properties, and fragile ecosystems from the harmful effects of pest populations. They must also strike a balance to ensure that helpful insects such as pollinators (honey bees) and pest-eating predators (ladybugs, praying mantises) are protected and used properly. 

Tendencias actuales

Think the study of insects doesn’t change much over time? Actually, there are several interesting trends in the field of entomology! 

Notably, the increase of technological tools like drones, GIS software, and DNA analysis are boosting efforts to collect data faster and more efficiently. This enables Entomologists to track insect population movements better, which is crucial for identifying areas at risk of infestation. It also helps scientists understand how climate issues affect insect behaviors. This ties into the study of insect ecology (i.e., how insects interact with their environments and how they respond to changes). 

Another trend is the ongoing development of more sustainable pest management strategies, such as using pheromones or living biological control agents (without them turning into pests themselves!). 

¿Qué tipo de cosas disfrutaba la gente de esta carrera cuando era más joven...

Entomologists most likely enjoyed being outside when they were younger, perhaps gardening or simply observing nature. They are curious-minded but equally analytical persons, who may have liked reading or watching informative videos about science, earth sciences, and wildlife or insects. 

Educación y formación necesarias
  • Some entry-level positions may only require a bachelor’s, but most Entomologists have at least a master’s degree in entomology, biology, zoology, environmental science, medical parasitology, or integrated pest management
  • Higher-level positions, and college professors, need a PhD
  • Entre los cursos de licenciatura más comunes se incluyen:
  1. Aquatic Habitats    
  2. Biological Control of Insects and Weeds 
  3. Química
  4. Designer Insects
  5. Ecology of Pest Management
  6. Forest Entomology    
  7. Insect Biodiversity and Evolution
  8. Insect Biology 
  9. Insect Societies    
  10. Insect-transmitted Diseases
  11. Invertebrate Neurobiology
  12. Parasites and Pestilence
  13. Polinizadores
  14. Estadísticas
  1. Other organizations also offer certifications, too, such as the Midwest Center of Excellence-Vector Borne Disease’s Public Health Entomology Certificate
Cosas que hay que buscar en una universidad
  • Look for accredited colleges offering majors in entomology, biology, zoology, environmental science, medical parasitology, or integrated pest management
  • Considera la posibilidad de hacer una doble licenciatura para ahorrar tiempo y dinero.
  • Busca programas con prácticas u oportunidades para adquirir experiencia práctica 
  • Comparar los costes de matrícula y tasas, teniendo en cuenta los costes para residentes en el estado y para residentes en otros estados.
  • Revisar las opciones de becas y ayudas económicas
  • Consulte las estadísticas de graduación e inserción laboral de los antiguos alumnos 
Cosas que hacer en el instituto y la universidad
  • En el instituto, estudia temas relacionados con la agricultura, así como inglés, matemáticas, ciencias de la tierra, química, biología y botánica. Toma clases de laboratorio y participa en ferias de ciencias o proyectos de investigación.
  • Participar en clubes y actividades relacionados con la naturaleza y la agricultura, como la Experiencia Agrícola Supervisada y Futuro Agricultor de América.
  • Sal al aire libre Practica senderismo, jardinería o acampada para exponerte a la naturaleza. Crea un diario o un videoblog con tus observaciones de insectos. 
  • Volunteer or get a part-time job at a local nature reserve, zoo, insectarium, botanical garden, or research facility
  • Leer artículos académicos y ver vídeos documentales relacionados con la entomología
  • Popular YouTube channels with insect videos include:
  1. BBC Earth
  2. Free Documentary - Nature
  3. Insect Stories
  4. National Geographic
  5. Nature Bites
  6. Real Wild
  7. Science
  • Speak with a working Entomologist about how they got started. Check out Ask an Entomologist and other online resources and discussion forums
  • Apúntate a cursos online ad hoc como los que ofrecen edX o Udemy, para aprender sobre insectos, técnicas de laboratorio, análisis de datos y metodologías científicas.
  • Lleva un registro de tus logros para tu currículum y/o solicitudes universitarias
  • Decide si quieres especializarte en una especie o comportamiento concreto 
Hoja de ruta típica
Entomologist Roadmap
Cómo conseguir tu primer trabajo
  • Busca en portales de empleo como, Glassdoor, ZipRecruiter, USAJOBS y otros sitios.
  • Having agriculture-related work experience might make you a more competitive applicant. If you want to work directly in an ag-related job before teaching, check out AgriculturalCrossing, EcoFarm (Ecological Farming Association), and Farm and Ranch Jobs
  • Consider applying for part-time jobs to get some experience. There are several types of entomology positions, including ones related to:
  1. Agricultural entomology, biological control, and crop protection 
  2. Forensics
  3. Silvicultura
  4. Industrial and structural entomology
  5. Medical and taxonomic entomology
  6. Veterinary entomology
  • Pida a su red de contactos información sobre las próximas ofertas de empleo. La mayoría de los empleos se encuentran a través de contactos.
  • Pregunta a antiguos profesores y supervisores si puedes incluirlos como referencias.
  • Review sample Entomologist resumes and Entomologist interview questions like “What would you do if you discovered a new species of insect while out in the field?” 
  • Realiza simulacros de entrevistas con amigos o con el centro de orientación profesional de tu centro de estudios. 
  • Keep up-to-date on entomology-related technological developments. Demonstrate awareness of trends and terminology during interviews
  • Vestir adecuadamente para las entrevistas de trabajo
Cómo subir la escalera
  • Impartir educación y formación adicionales, como un título superior o una nueva certificación. 
  • Get specialized in a challenging and/or in-demand area like pest management, medical entomology, or forensic entomology
  • Grow your reputation as a subject matter expert. Get published in science journals, write online articles, make educational videos, mentor peers, and participate in professional organization events
  • Popular scientific journals include:
  1. Agricultural and Forest Entomology
  2. Annual Review of Entomology
  3. Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
  4. Insect Molecular Biology
  5. Journal of Pest Science
  6. Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology
  7. Pest Management Science
  8. Systematic Entomology
  • Strengthen relationships with coworkers, managers, and program administrators
  • Take the lead on research projects, consider teaching college classes, or volunteer to serve on committees 
  • Consider relocating to where there are more (or higher-paying) job opportunities!
Plan B

Entomology is a crucial but relatively small career field. As a result, there may not be an abundance of jobs where you want to live and work. If you’re interested in related occupations, check out the suggestions below! 

  • Científico agrícola y alimentario    
  • Ingeniero Agrónomo
  • Trabajador de servicios y cuidado de animales    
  • Biochemist and Biophysicist    
  • Biólogo
  • Técnico químico    
  • Científico de la conservación y silvicultor    
  • Científico y especialista en medio ambiente    
  • Agricultor, ganadero y gestor agrícola    
  • Ecólogo industrial
  • Microbiólogo    
  • Técnico de agricultura de precisión
  • Veterinario    
  • Zoólogo y biólogo de la fauna salvaje


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